0114 2016 002
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COVID 19 Restrictions and Guidelines

During these unprecedented times, I know many people are struggling to understand what is classed as essential work and does this include construction services?

The government have advised construction companies to continue to work if they can do so following the governments guidelines here. The CLC have also issued further, more detailed guidelines that can be viewed here.

Whilst Bwp Plastering Services Ltd are not currently operating on domestic projects, we are continuing, where possible to work on commercial projects. Several commercial buildings have already been constructed or redeveloped as temporary, emergency hospital’s over the last few weeks. This would not be possible without the construction industry contributing their services to create these makeshift hospitals. Buildings such as hotels are also being used as temporary accommodation to allow vulnerable people to maintain social distancing guidelines and more unoccupied buildings may be required in the near future.

Of course it is vital that when working, we follow the recommended guidelines issued by the government as well as the CLC. These include;

  • Staggered work times to limit the amount of individuals on site at any time
  • Individual work and break areas provided to ensure social distancing measures are adhered to
  • Individual’s are provided with personal protective equipment including gloves, masks and hand sanitiser
  • Work areas are cleaned at the end of each day
  • Individuals travel to and from work alone where possible.
  • People are asked to bring their own food so they do not need to leave the premises

We are conscious that things are changing on a frequent basis, however, whilst we are able to continue to provide essential services, whilst adhering to the guidelines provided in order to work as safely as possible, Bwp Plastering Services Ltd will continue to do so until further notice.

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Benjamin Wright

Benjamin Wright is the director of BWP Plastering Services Ltd. After working as a plasterer since the age of 19 alongside his father, Benjamin saw an opportunity to provide a bespoke service that catered to the individual needs of clients. Benjamin founded BWP Plastering Services Ltd to offer the construction industry a plastering company that provides clients with a time efficient service at a fair price without compromising on quality.
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